The Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM) is looking for following faculty posts (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor) in various subjects such as Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering,Economics, Electrical Engineering (including Electronics), English and Communication Skills, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Sociology and Psychology. Eligible persons apply online or before 15th March 2014.
About: IITRAM established by Govt, of Gujarat as an autonomous university offers courses with specialization in infrastructure and its management. It aims to create a centre of excellence in science, technology and management with emphasis on research at UG and PG levels.
Name of the Post
Educational Qualifications
Ph. D. with 10 years teaching/research/industrial experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor or equivalent at Institutes such as IITs, IISc Bengaluru, ISERs, NITIE Mumbai at an equivalent level in any such other Indian or foreign institutions/ institutions of comparable standards as may be decided by the Institute.
Ph. D. with 6 years teaching/research/industrial experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent in a reputed organization.
3 years teaching/research/industrial experience post-PhD.
For afresh Ph.D., the position will be on contract basis for first three years, after the completion of which it can be regularized.
How To Apply: No Prescribed format of application for. Application should consist of (i) A Covering Letter (ii) Complete CV with personal and professional Information, (iii) List of publications and contract details, (iv) A Statement of purpose inclosing statement on research and teaching, (v) Names and contracts (Email and Telephone Number) of three referees who are familiar with the professional qualification of the candidates.
Completed applications along with all attachments should be email to on or before 15/03/2014.
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