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Monday, 7 April 2014

Central Bank of India CBI-SUAPS Recruitment 2014 Faculty, Office Assistant

CBI-SUAPS-Jobs-2014Central Bank of India Samajik Utthan Avam Prashikshan Sansthan (CBI-SUAPS) is looking for engaging the services of Faculty and Office Assistant posts one each for RSETIs (Rural Self Employment Training Institutes) Saran, Siwan & Gopalganj on contract basis (One Year) for the year 2014-15. Eligible candidates apply on or before 15th April 2014.
About: CBI-SUAPS, a Society/Trust, (registered under Society Registration Act 1860 with Head Office at Mumbai), sponsored by Central Bank of India.
Post Name
No of Posts
Age Limit
Contract Amount
03 (One each for RSETI centres at SARAN/ SIWAN/ GOPALGANJ)
Less than 65 years with sound Health
Rs.12000/- per month
Office Assistant
03 (One each for RSETI centres at SARAN/ SIWAN/ GOPALGANJ)
35 years with sound health
Rs.8000/- per month
Educational Qualifications & Experience:
Faculty ->
(1) Essential - Post-graduate viz. MSW/ MA in Rural Development/MA in Sociology/Psychology/BSc (Agri.)/BA with B.Ed. etc.
Shall have a flair for teaching with Computer knowledge.
(2) Desirable - Retd. Bank Official with working experience as officer and candidate having experience of working as Faculty, Rural Development with qualification stated above, will get preference.
(3) Experience - Should be well conversant with local language. Should be resident of the same State, preferably same or nearby district/residing at the head quarter of RSETI centre.
Office Assistant ->
(1) Essential - Shall be a Graduate viz. BSW/BA/B.Com with computer knowledge.
(2) Desirable - Knowledge in basic accounts& book keeping.
(3) Experience - Should be well conversant with the local language. Should be resident of the same or nearby district/residing at the head quarter of RSETI centre.
Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates called for Personal Interview.
How To Apply: Eligible candidates have to submit their applications in the prescribed format. Completed applicaitons along with required photo-copies of documents reach to "Regional Manager/Chairman, Local Advisory Committee, Central Bank of India, Regional Office SIWAN, NEAR HEAD POST OFFICE, SIWAN, BIHAR PIN 841226" on or before 15/04/2014. The post cover super scribing “Application for the post of Faculty/Office Assistant at RSETI centre on contract for the year2014-15”.
Detailed Document Here>> Download Application Format>>
(source } tags-online Central Bank of India CBISUAPS Recruitment 2014 Faculty, Office Assistant,Central Bank of India CBISUAPS Recruitment 2014 Faculty, Office Assistant careers,Central Bank of India CBISUAPS Recruitment 2014 Faculty, Office Assistant vacancy,Central Bank of India CBISUAPS Recruitment 2014 Faculty, Office Assistant recruitment,Central Bank of India CBISUAPS Recruitment 2014 Faculty, Office Assistant jobs,Central Bank of India CBISUAPS Recruitment 2014 Faculty, Office Assistant posts,Central Bank of India CBISUAPS Recruitment 2014 Faculty, Office Assistant govt jobs,Central Bank of India CBISUAPS Recruitment 2014 Faculty, Office Assistant job vacancies

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