Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) Pune invites applications from eligible candidates for the post of Research Associate (RA) and Senior Research Fellow (P).
Advt No. 01/2014
Post Name
No of Post
Age Limit (as on 1st April 2014)
Pay Scale
Research Associate (RA)
01 (Mech. Engg)
18 to 30 Years
Rs.24,000/- p.m. + HRA
Senior Research Fellow (P)
03 (Mech. Engg-02, Electrical Engg-01)
18 to 32 Years
Rs.18,000/- p.m. + HRA for 1st 2nd year, Rs.20,000/- p.m. + HRA for 3rd year
Educational Qualifications:
RA -> M. Tech /ME in Mech. Engg with 2 years experience in Research, Teaching, Design & Development. Degrees should be in First division wherever Division or equivalent grading is awarded.
SRF -> Post- Graduate degree in Engg/ Technology in first division, both at Graduate and Post- Graduate levels, wherever Division or equivalent grading is awarded.
How To Apply: The applicant must submit his application in the prescribed format only along with true copies of certificates, crossed Indian Postal Order of Rs. 10/- drawn in favour of Director R&DE(Engrs), Dighi, Pune, Post office-Dighi, Pune addressed to "The Director, R&DE(Engrs), Alandi Road, Kalas, Pune-411015" super scribed on the envelope "Application for the post of_____" Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC are exempted from this payment.
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Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO) under Ministry of Defennce, Government of India invites applications for Fellowships (JRF and SRF) initially for period of two years (extendable as per rules). Eligible candidates apply on or before 7th April 2014.
Name of the Lab: Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory, Sector-30, Chandigarh 160 030. (Ph. No.0172-3957202. 3957203. 2651824)
Name of Post
No of Posts
Age Limit
Monthly Stipend
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
28 Years
Rs. 16,000/-plus HRA & medical facilities admissible as per rules.
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) (P)
32 Years
Rs. 18,000/- plus HRA & medical facilities admissible as per rules.
Age Relaxation -> 5 years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC Candidates.
Educational Qualifications:
SRF (P) -> Post Graduate Degree in respective Engg./ Technology in; 1st Division both at Graduate and Post Graduate Levels wherever Division or equivalent grading is awarded.
JRF -> Graduate Degree in respective Engg./ Technology, Post Graduate in Science ;in 1st Division wherever Division or equivalent grading is awarded.
JRF -> Graduate Degree in respective Engg./ Technology, Post Graduate in Science ;in 1st Division wherever Division or equivalent grading is awarded.
How To Apply: Type written application with complete bio-data along with attested copies of Marks Sheet/Certificate, Caste Certificate & Experience should reach to "Director, TBRL, Govt, of India, Ministry of Defence, DRDO, Sector-30, Chandigarh - 160030" by 07/04/2014 in envelope superscripting "Application for Fellowship of (Write Fellowship Name, Post Code and Discipline). Affix a recent passport size attested photograph on the right top corner of the first page of application. Send a crossed Indian Postal Order of Rs. 10/-drawri in favour of the Director, TBRL, Sector-30, Chandigarh along with the application(candidates belonging to SC/ST and OBC are exempted from this payment). Candidates working in Govt./Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Bodies should apply through proper channel and shall bring NOC at time of Interview.
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Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) - Advertisement for the Walk-In Interview on 28th March 2014 for filling up One post for SRF(P) at INMAS, Delhi.
Post Name
No of Posts
Age Limit
SRF (P) (Maximum Tenure- Five Years)
32 years
Rs 18,000/-Plus 30% HRA (as per rules)
Educational Qualification: A first class in Bachelor of Dental Sciences (BDS) with minimum 60% marks.
Selection Process: Written Test will be conducted from 09:30-10:30 hrs. Latecomers will not be considered. Only top ten candidates will be interviewed. Candidates will be required to produce certificates/testimonials in original at the time of interview.
How To Apply: Application form can be download from official website. Completed application E Mailed to on or before 26/03/2014.
For Enquiries -> Contact Helpline- 011 23905216, 23905217.
Details, Application Form Here>> |
Microwave Tube Research and Development Centre (MTRDC), Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO) invites applications for the post of Research Associate (RA), Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Junior Research Fellow (JRF).
About: MTRDC, Bangalore is involved in design & development of Microwave Tubes, Microwave Power Module for Radar, Electronic Warfare & Communication System. It has world-class facilities in this area. Applications are invited from individuals who desires of pursuing research in the field of vacuum electronic devices encompassing multidisciplinary field of material science, ultra high vacuum, physical electronics, microwave engineering, electro-magnetics, particle-in-cell, and computer aided design/simulation may apply.
Post Name
No of Posts
Age Limit (as on 31/03/2014)
Research Associate (RA)
30 years
Rs. 24,000/- pm with HRA and Medical facilities as per rules.
Senior Research Fellow (P)
32 years
Rs. 18,000/- pm with HRA and Medical facilities as per rules.
Junior Research Fellow
28 years
Rs. 16,000/- pm with HRA and Medical facilities as per rules.
Educational Qualifications:
RA -> Ph.D in Physics on a Topic related to Microwave Tubes OR ME/M. Tech in Microwave Engineering with 2 years of experience in Research, Teaching, and Design & Development preferably in Microwave Engineering area. Degrees should be in First Division, wherever Division or equivalent grading is awarded.
SRF -> Microwave Engineering OR Electronics Engineering OR Power Electronics Engineering in First Division both at Graduate and Post-Graduate levels, wherever Division of equivalent grading is awarded. Skills in computer Aided Design is desirable. Candidates who have qualified UGC/CSIR/NET/GATE examination shall be preferred.
JRF -> Graduate Degree in Engg/Technology in Material Science/Computer Science Post Graduate Degree in Material Science/Computer Science in First Division wherever Division or equivalent grading is awarded. (02 Posts) / Graduate Degree in Engg/Technology in Electronics/Power Electronics, Post Graduate Degree in Electronics/Power Electronics; in First Division wherever Division or equivalent grading is awarded. (02 Posts)
How To Apply: The candidates are required to forward duly filled application along with complete Bio-data with a recent colour passport size photo, duly attested one set copies of all Degree / academic qualification certificates, Marks Lists, Caste certificates, Medical certificate for PH candidates and other testimonials, etc to 'The Director, MTRDC, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, BE Complex, P. O. Box 1310, Jalahalli, Bangalore-560013'. The following should be written in bold on the top of the envelope used for sending application form "Application for JRF/SRF/RA at MTRDC, Bangalore'. The last date for receipt of applications is 31/03/2014.
Confirmation will be sent to short-listed candidates for interview scheduled to be held during 03rd week of April 2014. Candidates working in Government / Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous bodies should apply through proper channel.
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Systems Analysis And Modelling Centre (SAMC), DRDO, New Delhi invites applications for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Senior Research Fellow (SRF) initially for a period of TWO years (extendable as per rules).
Post Name
No of Posts
Age Limit (as on 31/03/2014)
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
28 years
Rs.16,000/- p.m
Senior Research Fellow (SRF)
32 years
Rs.18,000/- p.m
Age Relaxation: 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates.
Educational Qualifications: First Class BE / B Tech / M Sc. / M Tech. or equivalent in aeronautical engineering, applied mathematics, operations research, electrical engineering, electronics & instrumentation engineering, electronics & communication engineering & computer science / engineering.
How To Apply: Duly filled-in application (in prescribed format) supported by self attested copies of all relevant documents should reach: "The Director, SAM-C Room No. 316, A-Wing DRDO Bhawan Rajaji Marg, New Delhi -110011" within 30 days from the date publication of this advertisement in the news paper. Write "JRF / SRF for SAMC" in bold letters at the top left corner of envelope.
Date, time and venue of interview and list of candidates shortlisted will be displayed at ( > What's New > List of shortlisted candidates for SRF and JRF required for SAMC) after 15 April 2014. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
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Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) Hyderabad - Walk in Interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Research Associates (RA) are to be filled up at DMRL, Hyderabad. Eligible persons apply on or before 10th March 2014.
Post Name
No. of Posts
Essential Qualification
JRF (Metallurgy/ Material Science)
BE/B.Tech in Metallurgical Engineering/ Material Science and Engineering with first division.
JRF (Physics)
M.Sc in Physics with first division
JRF (Chemistry)
M.Sc in Chemistry with first division
RA (Metallurgy/ Material Science/ Physics)
ME /M.Tech with first division with 2 years experience or Ph.D in Metallurgical Engineering/Material Science and Engineering / Ph.D in Physics.
Desirable: Preference shall be given to those who have qualified in CSIR/NET/UGC/GATE examination.
Age Limit: JRF - 28 years and RA - 30 years respectively as on the date of the interview. The age is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates.
Monthly Stipend: Rs. 16,000/-p.m. for 1st and 2nd year and Rs.18,000/-.p.m for 3rd year (If retained as JRF) during entire tenure. The stipend during the entire period of Research Associate of 2 years shall be at the rate of Rs.24,000/-p.m. H.R.A at 30% and Medical facilities are applicable as per rules.
How To Apply: Eligible candidates may register by forwarding the application form duly completed to on or before 10/03/2014.
The shortlisted candidates can appear for a walk-in-interview at 09:30 hrs on 10/04/2014 for Metallurgical Engg/Material Science Engg and 11/04/2014 for Physics & Chemistry at DMRL, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad - 500 058 and should carry a hard copy of the application form along with the testimonials.
Detailed Notification Here>> |
Defence Research Laboratory (DRL), Tezpur, under the aegis of Defence Research and development Organisation (DRDO) is looking for meritorious young researchers having their own fellowship from CSIR/UGC/DST/ICMR/ICAR/any other govt agency for pursuing research in the frontier areas at DRL. THe DRL invites applications for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF).
Post Name
Age Limit
Stipend (Per Month)
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
28 Years
As per rules of funding agency
Essential Qualifications: A First Class master’s degree in Biological sciences/Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical sciences / Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Entomology. Candidate must have a valid junior research fellowship from CSIR/UGC/DST/ICMR/ICAR/any other govt agency.
How To Apply: Applications on the prescribed format. Duly Filled-in application form must be sent to “Director, Defence Research Laboratory, Solmara cantt, Tezpur-784001” through speed post only. The last date of receipt of application is 18/04/2014.
Further Details Here>> |
Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Delhi - Walk in Interview for the post of Data Manager on purely Temporary appointment. Walk in Interview will be held on 26th February 2014.
Post Name
Age Limit
Stipend (Per Month)
Data Manager
Not exceeding 45 years
Rs. 20,000/- pm consolidated
Educational Qualifications: Graduate (10+2+3) from a recognized state or central university.
Skills: Proficient in computer operation on software like MS Office, Acrobat, Internet explorer and other related software for official data management Proficient especially in MS Excel and MS Access, MS publisher for data entry, management, analysis and report generation.
Adept at generation of computerized charts and figures. Better than average typing speed.
Adept at generation of computerized charts and figures. Better than average typing speed.
Experience: Preference will be given to candidates with experience in data handling, report generation, preparation of power point presentation of biomedical data.
Walk in Interview -> 26/02/2014 at 09:30 Hrs.
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