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Monday, 7 April 2014

IIM Kozhikode Recruitment 2014 Manager, Officer, Assistant

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kozhikode invites applications form suitable candidates for recruitment of Chief Financial Officer and Manager - Kochi Campus. Eligible persons Apply Online on or before 20th May 2014.
Notification No. R-01/2014
Post Name
No of Post
Age Limit
Scale of Pay
01 (UR)
UR - 48 Years
Differently abled (UR) - 53 Years
Ex-servicemen (UR) - Deduct total Service rendered in Army, Navy or Air Force from Actual age.
PB-4 Rs.37400-67000 + Grade Pay Rs.8900/-
01 (UR)
UR - 45 Years
Differently abled (UR) - 50 Years
Ex-servicemen (UR) - Deduct total Service rendered in Army, Navy or Air Force from Actual age.
PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400/-
Educational Qualifications:
Chief Financial Officer ->

(1) CA or MBA (Finance) with 20 (Twenty) years relevant experience with a minimum service of 02 (Two) years in PB-4, 37400-67000, Grade pay 8700 or equivalent pay and relevant service or 05 (Five) years in PB-3, Rs 15600-39100 with Grade pay of 7600 or equivalent pay and relevant service.
(2) Experience should include at least 3 years experience in a central government/ public sector/ autonomous body and dealt with financial aspects at a middle level ie, Assistant Manager, Accountant/ accounts officer level.
Manager ->
(1) Graduation with 15 (Fifteen) years relevant post qualification administrative experience with a minimum service of 03 (Three) years in Pay Band PB-2, 9300-34800, Grade Pay of 4600 or equivalent relevant service and pay. (OR)
(2) Post Graduate in Management / MBA / PGDM with 12 (Twelve) years relevant post qualification administrative experience with a minimum service of 03 (Three) years in Pay Band PB-2, 9300-34800, Grade Pay of 4600 or equivalent relevant service and pay. (OR)
(3) Post Graduate in Management / MBA / PGDM with 05 (Five) years relevant post qualification administrative experience of providing administrative support in a Business School with a minimum service of 02 (Two) years in Pay Band PB-3, 15600-39100, Grade Pay of 5400 or equivalent relevant service and pay.
Application Fee: Rs.100/- for each post. Fee can be remitted either through online payment or drawn as demand draft (DD) from State Bank of India in favour of 'Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode' payable at IIM Kozhikode Campus Branch. Demand Draft is to be drawn at the time of submission of online No fee for SC/ST/ Differently Abled and Departmental Candidates of IIMK.
How To Apply: Eligible Persons Apply Online on or before 20/05/2014 (upto 23.59 hours). Printed copy of the application along with self-attested copies of documents/certificates addressed to "The Chief Administrative Officer Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, IIM Kozhikode Campus P.O, Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode, Kerala - 673570" by Speed Post/ Registered Post/ Courier, clearly writing on the top Left Corner of the Envelope "Application for the post of______ Post Code______". The last date for receipt of applications is 23/05/2014 up to 17:30 Hours.
Detailed Notification & Apply Online Here>>

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kozhikode issued recruitment notification for the post of Library and Information Assistant (intern) on contract basis. Walk in Interview will be held on 15th April 2014.
Post Name
No of Post
Age Limit
Consolidated Monthly Remuneration
Library and Information Assistant (intern)
30 years (relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST, 03 years for OBC Non-creamy layer)
Educational Qualification: MLISc (Master Degree) from a recognized university with at least 55% marks.
How To Apply: Interested Candidates may apply Online through Official Website.
The walk in interview will be held at 09.30 AM on 15/04/2014. The following documents should be produced at the time of Walk in interview.
(a) Printed copy of online application.
(b) Self attested photocopies of certificates( SSLC, MLISc Certificate and all mark sheets)
(c) Original Certificates for verification (SSLC, MLISc Certificate and all mark sheets.
Detailed Notification Here>>
(source } tags-online IIM Kozhikode Recruitment 2014 Manager, Officer, Assistant,IIM Kozhikode Recruitment 2014 Manager, Officer, Assistant careers,IIM Kozhikode Recruitment 2014 Manager, Officer, Assistant vacancy,IIM Kozhikode Recruitment 2014 Manager, Officer, Assistant recruitment,IIM Kozhikode Recruitment 2014 Manager, Officer, Assistant jobs,IIM Kozhikode Recruitment 2014 Manager, Officer, Assistant posts,IIM Kozhikode Recruitment 2014 Manager, Officer, Assistant govt jobs,IIM Kozhikode Recruitment 2014 Manager, Officer, Assistant job vacancies

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