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Monday, 14 April 2014

ISRO Recruitment 2014 Apply Online (27 Vacancies)

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Space Application Centre (SAC) invites Online application for recruitment of following posts in SAC Development and Educational Communication Unit (DECU), Ahmedabad. Eligible Indian national Candidates Apply Online from 16th April 2014 to 5th May 2014.

Name of Post

Total Vacancies

Social Research Officer - C


Junior Producer


Social Research Assistant


Programme Assistant


Technical Assistant (Sound Recording)


Scientific Assistant - A (Multimedia)


Media Library Assistant - A


Library Assistant - A


How To Apply: Eligible Candidates are required to Register Online Application From through ISRO Websites or on or before 05/05/2014. Detailed Notification of this recruitment available from 16th Apri l2014.

ISRO-Jobs-2014Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) Bangalore invites applications for recruitment of Scientists/Engineers 'SC' with Post Graduate Degree in Engineering/Science and Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in Graduate in Engineering & Post Graduate in Science. Online Registration start from 28th March 2014 and end on 20th April 2014.

Post Name

No of Vacancies

Age Limit (as on 20/04/2014)

Scientist/Engineer 'SC’

07 (RF/Microwave/Radar - 01, Control Systems - 01, Aerospace Engineering - 01, Applied Optics - 03, Chemistry - 01)

35 Years

Junior Research Fellows (JRFs)

04 (Computer Science - 01, Chemistry - 01, Applied Optics - 01, Physics - 01)

18-30 Years

Scale of Pay:

Scientist/Engineer 'SC’ -> Rs. 15600-39100/- + Rs.5400/- Grade Pay]
JRF -> Rs.16000/- + 30% HRA, pm for first 2 Years and Rs.18000/- + 30% HRA for subsequent years and Rs.18000/- + 30% HRA pm for first two years and Rs.20000/- + 30% HRA for subsequent years

Educational Qualifications:

Scientist/Engineer (RF/Microwave/Radar) -> ME/M.Tech or equivalent in RF/Microwave/Radar with BE/B.Tech or equivalent in Electronics Engg.

Scientist/Engineer (Control Systems) -> ME/M.Tech or equivalent in Control Systems with BE/B.Tech or Equivalent in Electronics Engg.

Scientist/Engineer (Aerospace Engineering) -> ME/M.Tech or equivalent in Aerospace Engg. With BE/B.Tech or equivalent in Aerospace/Mechanical Engg.

Scientist/Engineer (Applied Optics) -> M.Tech / M.E/MSc Engineering in Applied Optics/ Optics WITH BE/B.Tech or equivalent degree in engineering or MSc-Physics

Scientist/Engineer (Chemistry) -> MSc in Chemistry

JRF (Computer Science) -> BE/B.Tech or equivalent in Computer Science.

JRF (Chemistry) -> M.Sc. in Chemistry.

JRF (Applied Optics) -> M.Tech / M.E/MSc Engineering in Applied Optics / Optics WITH BE/BTech or equivalent degree in engineering or MSc-Physics

JRF (Physics) -> M.Sc in Physics

Selection Process: Screening Test (based on the academic performance and other parameters) and Interview.

Application Fee: Rs.100/- for Each Application. No fee for Women / SC / STa and PWD Candidates. The fee in the form of Demand Draft (DD) in favour of "The Accounts Officer, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore", payable at Bangalore (any of the Nationalized Bank).

How To Apply: Eligible Persons are required to register Online Application Form on or before 20/04/2014. After filing the online application, the applicant has to send the DD with his/her Full Name (as entered in the web application), Post Number and Registration No. written on the reverse of the DD addressed to "Senior Administrative Officer (RMT), ISRO Satellite Centre, Old Airport Road, Vimanapura Post, Bangalore -560017" by ordinary post superscribing "RECRUITMENT OF SCIENTIST/ENGINEER 'SC' OR JRF - ____________ (Post Number)" on the envelope within 10 days of filing of application and in any case not later than 30/04/2014.

Detailed Advertisement, Apply Online Here>>

For Enquiries -> Email to

ISRO-ICRB-Jobs-2014Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Centralised Recruitment Board (ICRB) invites Online Applications from Young Engineering Graduates for the post of Scientist/Engineer 'SC' in (i) Civil; (iii) Electrical; and (iv) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning fields. YOung Graduates Apply Online from 28th February 2014 to 21st March 2014.


Post Code

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies


Scientist/Engineer SC - Civil

05 (UR-03, OBC-01, SC-01)


Scientist/Engineer SC - Electrical

08 (UR-04, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-01)


Scientist/Engineer SC - A/c and Refrigeration

03 (UR-01, OBC-01, ST-01)


Scientist/Engineer SC - Civil

01 (UR)

Age Limit: 35 years as on 21/03/2014 (40 years in case of SC/ST candidates and 38 years for OBC candidates. (Ex-serviceman and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders)

Educational Qualifications: BE/B.Tech/BSc (Engg)/Grad IETE/AMIE in required discipline in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks (average of marks of all semesters for which results are available). Candidates who are slated to complete their qualifying Degree in the academic year 2013-14 are also eligible to apply provided the final Degree is awarded latest by 31/08/2014.

Application Fee: Rs.100/- for each application. The fee pay through payment challan form (download from official website), in triplicate, from the ISRO system which will contain the Name of the candidate, Registration Number, Receipt Account Number, Advertisement No., and Post code. The candidates may visit the nearest branch of State Bank of India for remittance of application fee to Receipt Account (32034064593), by using the personalized payment challan of State Bank of India on any day between 28/02/2014 and 21/03/2014.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates are required to Apply Online through ISRO website on or before 21/03/2014. Completed Applications along with one part of the challan form [ISRO copy] to "Head, P & GA (ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore - 560094" by post superscribing on the envelope "ICRB - RECRUITMENT OF SCIENTIST/ENGINEER 'SC' (CEPO)" within 5 days of filing of application and in any case not later than 26/03/2014.

Detailed Advertisement Here>>

ISRO-ICRB-2014Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Centralised Recruitment Board (ICRB) issued annual recruitment notification of Scientist / Engineer 'SC' - This year filling up 102 Vacancies. Eligible Engineering Graduates Apply Online from 20th February 2014 to 13th March 2014.

Post Code

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies


Scientist/Engineer SC - Electronics

35 (PWD – 02)


Scientist/Engineer SC – Mechanical

50 (PWD – 03)


Scientist/Engineer SC – Computer Science

17 (PWD – 01)

Age Limit: 35 Years as on 13/03/2014. Age Relaxation as per Govt. Rules.

Scale of Pay: Rs.15600-39100 with grade pay Rs.5400/-

Educational Qualifications: Engineering Graduate of BE/B.Tech or equivalent in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% (average of all semesters for which results are available). Candidates who are slated to complete the BE/B.Tech course in the academic year 2013-14 are also eligible to apply provided final Degree is available by 31/8/2014.

Application Fee: Rs.100/- for each applicaiton. No fee for Women candidates/Scheduled Castes (SC)/ Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-serviceman [EX] and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates. The fee pay through prescribed payment challan form.

How To Apply: Online Registration start from 20/02/2014 to 13/03/2014. After registration of application on-line, the candidates submit Online completed application (Hard Copy) along with paid payment challan form [ISRO copy] to Head, P & GA (ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore - 560094 by post superscribing on the envelope "ICRB - RECRUITMENT OF SCIENTIST/ENGINEER" within 7 days of filing of application and in any case not later than 21/03/2014.

Official Advertisement. Apply Online Here>>
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