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Monday, 7 April 2014

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Recruitment 2014 Consultant, Personal Assistant

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University) Walk in Interview for the post of Consultant and Personal Assistant for Temporary engagement in Projects during the year 2014-2015. Walk in Interview will be held on 9th April 2014.
Post Name
Consolidated Remuneration
Walk in Interview Date
Consultant (Admn.)
Rs.30,000/- p.m. (negotiable)
09/04/2014 at 10:00 AM
Personal Assistant (English/Hindi & Sanskrit)
Rs.20,000/- p.m. (negotiable)
09/04/2014 at 11:30 AM
Educational Qualifications:
Consultant (Admn.) ->
(1) Graduate Degree in Arts/Science/Engg. with supervisory experience of 15 years minimum in PB 2 with GP of Rs.5400/- & above.
(2) Hands on experience of working on Computer with knowledge MS Word/Excel/ Internet/PPP.
Personal Assistant ->
(1) Graduate in Arts with English/Hindi & Sanskrit as subjects with experience as PA/Steno for a minimum of 15 years in PB 2 + GP Rs.4200 & above.
(2) Stenography (100 wpm) with Computer typing skills (50 wpm - English & 40 wpm - Hindi).
Note: Candidates bring filled prescribed application format and copies of all credentials at the time of Walk in Interview.
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