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Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Station Workshop EME Ramgarh Cantt Recruitment 2014 MTS, Painter & Decorator

Station Workshop EME, Ramgarh Cantt (Jharkhand) (Unit under Ministry of Defence) invites application from Indian Nationals for the post of Painter & Decorator and Multi Tasking Staff (MTS). Apply within 21 days from the date of Advertisement.
Post Name
No of Posts
Pay Scale
Painter & Decorator (Skilled)
01 (UR)
PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200) + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-
Multi Tasking Staff (Chowkidar)
01 (UR)
PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200) + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-
Multi Tasking Staff (Messenger)
01 (UR)
PB-1 (Rs.5200-20200) + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-
Educational Qualifications:
Painter & Decorator (Skilled) -> Matriculation or equivalent and must have passed Intermediate grade Drawing Examination OR Armed Forces Personnel or Ex-servicemen in the appropriate trade and grade III minimum.
Multi Tasking Staff -> Matriculation or Equivalent ESM fulfilling age criteria can also apply.
Age Limit:
(a) General 18-25 years.
(b) OBC 18-28 Years.
(c) SC/ST 18-30 years.
(d) Handicapped 10 years relaxation in the age.
(e) Age is relaxation in case of departmental candidates will be considered up to 40 years.
(f) Ex-Servicemen - After deducting the total service rendered in Armed Forces plus 3 years from the actual age should not be more than 28 years.
Place of work: Station Workshop EME, Ramgarh Cantt with All India/Field Liabilities.
Duration of vacancies: Initially 02 years of probation and then permanent subject to satisfactory performance.
Selection Process: The short-listed candidates will be called for written examination date and time for which will be intimated later. Only the candidates passing the written examination by securing minimum 40% marks will be called for practical test and interview.
How To Apply: One self address envelope (Size 4" x 10") duly affixed with postage stamp of Rs.5 to be enclosed with the application form. Attested Xerox copies of Date of Birth, Educational Qualification/Technical Qualification/ Physically Handicapped certificate /Caste certificate as applicable should be attached with the application. Completed application reach to Postal Address : "Station Workshop EME PIN- 900 409 C/O 56 APO" within 21 days from the publication of advertisement (i.e. Last Date is 26/04/2014).
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