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Monday, 30 March 2015

NIEPMD Recruitment 2015 CRC Kozhikode (19 Vacancies)

Composite Regional Centre for Persons with Disabilities (CRC) - Kozhikode invites applications for appointment of following posts. The applicants who have already applied in response to our earlier advertisement No: 01/2013 need not apply again.

About: CRC, Kozhikode under administrative control of National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD)- Chennai, an Autonomous body under Dept. of Empowerment of persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India.

Employment Notice:01/2015

Name of the Post

No.of Post

Age Limit

Scale of Pay



50 years

Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs.7600 (PB-3)

Assistant Professor (PMR)


45 years

Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs.6600 (PB-3)

Assistant Professor (Speech and Hearing)


45 years

Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs.6600 (PB-3)

Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology)


45 years

Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs.6600 (PB-3)

Assistant Professor (Special Education)


45 years

Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs.6600 (PB-3)

Lecturer (Physiotherapy)


35 years

Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs.5400 (PB-3)

Lecturer (Occupational Therapy)


35 years

Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs.5400 (PB-3)

Administrative Officer


40 Years

Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs.5400 (PB-3)

Rehabilitation Officer (Social Work & Placement)


35 Years

Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4600 (PB-2)

Prosthetist & Orthotist


40 Years

Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4600 (PB-2)



35 Years

Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4200 (PB-2)

Special Educator


35 years

Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4200 (PB-2)

Orientation & Mobility Instructor


35 years

Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4200 (PB-2)

Vocational Instructor


30 years

Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4200 (PB-2)



35 years

Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4200 (PB-2)

Clinical Assistants


30 years

Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4200 (PB-2)

Workshop Supervisor-cum-store Keeper


30 years

Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2400 (PB-1)



30 years

Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.1900 (PB-1)

Educational Qualification & Experience:

Director ->

(1)  Master's degree in any discipline of rehabilitation (Recognized by RCI/MCI).
(2) 10 years' experience in related field.
(3) 2-5 years of Experience in Administration.
(4) RCI registration as Professional.
(5) Desirable: Ph.D in related field of Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.

Assistant Professor (PMR) ->

(1) MBBS with PG Diploma from a MCI recognized Institute.
(2) Minimum 5 Years' experience in teaching/research in the field of Rehabilitation.
(3) Desirable: Ph.D in related field of Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.

Assistant Professor (Speech and Hearing) ->

(1) Master's degree in Speech and Hearing (Recognised by RCI).
(2) Minimum 5 years' experience in teaching /research in the field of Rehabilitation
(3) RCI registration as Professional.
(4) Desirable: Ph.D in related field of Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.

Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology) ->

(1) M.Phil in Clinical or Rehabilitation Psychology from a RCI recognized Institute.
(2) Minimum 5 years' experience in teaching /research in the field of Rehabilitation.
(3) RCI registration as Professional.
(4) Desirable: Ph.D in related field of Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.

Assistant Professor (Special Education) ->

(1) Master's degree with M.Ed (Special Education) in any category marks from a RCI recognized Institute with minimum of 55% of marks.
(2) Minimum 5 years' experience in teaching/research in the field of Rehabilitation.
(3) RCI registration as Professional.
(4) Desirable: Ph.D in related field of Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.

Lecturer (Physiotherapy) ->

(1) Masters in Physiotherapy from a recognized Institute.
(2) Minimum 3 years of experience teaching/ research in the field of Rehabilitation.

Lecturer (Occupational Therapy) ->

(1) Masters in Occupational Therapy from a recognized Institute.
(2) Minimum 3 years' experience teaching/research in the field of Rehabilitation.

Administrative Officer ->

(1) Post Graduate Degree/MBA from recognized University.
(2) Minimum 3 years of experience in Establishment/Administration matters in a Government organization in the G.P of Rs.4800/- (or) 5 years' experience in the G.P of Rs.4600/- (or) 8 years' experience in the G.P of Rs.4200/-.

Rehabilitation Officer (Social Work & Placement) ->

(1) Post Graduate Degree in Social Work/ Rehabilitation work/ Sociology/ Psychology or equivalent from a recognized university.
(2) Minimum 4 years' experience in Vocational training and guidance as Social Worker or in other related field of rehabilitation.
(3) RCI registration as Professional.

Prosthetist & Orthotist ->

(1) Degree from a recognized institute in Prosthetics & orthotics.
(2) Minimum 4 years' experience of having worked in the related field.
(3) RCI registration as Professional.

Accountant ->

(1) Commerce Graduate from a recognized University with hands on knowledge of computers.
(2) Minimum 5 years' experience in handling accounts/cash of which minimum 3 years' experience in Govt or Semi Govt establishments.

Special Educator ->

(1) Graduate with Diploma in Special Education.
(2) Minimum of 5 Years' experience in Teaching and training in the related field.
(3) RCI registration as Professional.

Orientation & Mobility Instructor ->

(1) Diploma in Orientation & Mobility Instruction.
(2) 5 years' experience in Teaching and training in the related field.
(3) RCI registration as Professional.

Vocational Instructor ->

(1) SSC and Diploma in Vocational Training from a reputed training institute in related field.
(2) 5 years' experience including 2 years in organising/conducting vocational training programs.
(3) RCI registration as Professional.

Assistant ->

(1) Graduate from a recognized University with hands on knowledge of computers.
(2) Minimum 5 years of experience in administrative works.

Clinical Assistants ->

(1) B.Sc (Sp&Hg) or BRS (MR) equivalent degree from a recognized Institution/ University.
(2) Minimum 2 years' experience as Clinician or Research Assistant.

Workshop Supervisor-cum-store Keeper ->

(1) 10+2 (Matric with 12th Class) or equivalent.
(2) Minimum 5 years' experience in the concerned area as Store Keeper.

Typist/Clerk ->

(1) 10+2 or equivalent.
(2) Typing speed 35 wpm with computer knowledge (2) Minimum 2 years of experience.

Application Fee: Rs.500/- in case of General and OBC candidates. The fee in the form of Demand Draft from any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of Director, NIEPMD payable at Chennai. No fee in the case of SC/ST/PH category and female candidates.

How To Apply: Application form as per the prescribed format, duly supported with attested photocopies of the complete and upto date Confidential Reports for the last five years (in case of serving Central Govt. employees applying for Deputation/DR etc.,). The envelope containing the application should be super scribed as "Application for the post of "________" and sent to "The Director, NIEPMD", ECR, Muttukadu, Kovalam(PO), Chennai -603 112 by Speed / Registered post /Courier etc. The last date for submission of applications is 08/04/2015 (Extended up to 26/04/2015)

Detailed Document Here >>

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